Wednesday, March 26, 2014

SOLC 2014 Day Twenty-six: Teacher-learner

I am a teacher who enjoys interacting with students (that should be a given, right?).  I love seeing the light bulbs go off when they "get it", and I'm challenged to up my game and change my strategies when their faces show frustration.  I've been told that one of the reasons I hold my current position is that I am personable.

As a learner, though, a lot of my best experiences have been through online environments.  I completed my Library Science degree online, and my Sam Houston State professors seemed much more supportive and personable than I remember from my undergrad schooling.  And I continue to maintain professional relationships with a few of them via the internet. 

I've also continued to learn online after my degree.  I participated in TxLA's "I DO Make a Difference" interactive modules awhile back, as well as a MOOC on digital footprints.  My district is offering "PD in your PJs" this year; I've enjoyed learning new tech tips, programs, and applications to make my work more engaging and informative for my learning community.  Just last night, I learned about different ways to get input and assessment data  from students in digital formats.  Fun stuff!

As much as I enjoy online learning, I can't see myself ever teaching that way.  So that old adage of "you teach the way you learn" just doesn't seem to hold true in this instance.  No full-time, virtual instructing for this real-time, face-to-face teacher-librarian anytime soon. 

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