Saturday, March 29, 2014

SOLC 2014 Day Twenty-nine: Book vs nature

It is one of those rare Austin spring days, with sunshine and blue skies and temps still below 90 degrees.  Perfect weather to head out to the back porch, book in tow, and collect some fresh air and vitamin D while getting work done.  

Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee is my kind of book--magic and wizards, an unlikely heroine, an evil villain you love to hate.  One chapter in, still hooked...two chapters in, going strong...

I begin the third chapter, but the birdsong is just so pretty!  The June bugs are buzzing, coming to life much earlier than usual, performing in stereo from each side of the porch.  I've rolled up the legs of my capris, and the sun feels buttery warm on my shins.  My eyes close, head leaning towards the sun...  


  1. I read Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy this week. it was wonderful.But I can see how, siting in beautiful sunshine, you could doze off.

    1. I'll be reading it in bed tonight...once the sun goes down. :-)

  2. What a difference 1,500+ miles makes. We had cool, rainy weather here today. (And more of the same tomorrow.) Will be looking forward to 'rolling up my capris' soon!

    1. I'm happy we're supposed to stay steady in the 70s and 80s this week; the 90s and beyond will be here far too soon! Stay dry and warm in the meantime!
