Thursday, March 13, 2014

SOLC 2014 Day Thirteen: Getting carded

Is your family into cards?  Greeting cards, that is.

I was born into a family of card-senders.  This may have been a result of our military wanderings in the pre-internet/cell phone days, when overseas calls were cost-prohibitive and communication was relegated to APO zip codes.

Whatever the reason, I have cards dating back decades.  Birthday, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day...each marked with a card from one or both sides of my parents' families.

I married into a family of card-senders, too.  One of my first-generation American sisters-in-law (my father-in-law immigrated from Hungary) even sends us St. Patrick's Day cards, knowing that's a celebrated holiday in our house (Irish ancestors on my mom's side). 

Back when I felt much more organized, I would send out birthday cards every month to friends and family.  I marked the holidays with cards, too, even hand-making them some years.  I've tried resolving these past few New Year's to get back on track with sending greetings; after all, who doesn't like getting something besides bills in their mailbox?  For hazy reasons, it just hasn't happened yet.

My immediate family is the exception.  And so this morning, I presented my husband with his birthday card, just as he did for me a week ago.  One with fishes on the front, since we are two Pisces-in-a-pond-together.  Our children are into making their birthday greetings, so I'm sure he'll receive those later today.  

Getting carded brings our family together.    
Photo courtesy of RachelD



  1. I still have some cards from my great grandmother with a $2 bill inside! I've kept many cards thinking I'll turn them in to Christmas tree ornaments or use the handwritten notes in some creative project. I love getting mail to this day!

    1. Patti,
      Nice to hear we're not the only ones! And yep, I keep a lot of them, too..much to my hubby's chagrin. ;-)

  2. xoxox I used to write so many more handwritten letters - I, too, would like to do it more often. One more little slice of inspiration here. :o)

    1. I believe I still owe you's on my to-do list for spring break!

  3. My mom makes all her cards by hand - they're really beautiful little works of art! Sadly, I don't send as many as I should… I do have a collection of cards though - they are vintage Valentine's day cards collected by both my grandparents when they were in grade school. They're really cool. :D

    1. What a treasure! I have written two notes this spring break; chips away at the guilt a little, ha!
