Monday, March 9, 2015

SOLC 2015 Day 9: Breathing in the rain

The rain lulled me to sleep last night, and woke me up this morning.

I love rainy days.  Must be the Piscean-fish-water-sign in me.  The sight, smell, and sound of precipitation can be relaxing and energizing at the same time, perhaps due to the cocooning effects of staying indoors and the cleansing air I breathe as I move from one shelter to another.  Here in the allergy capital of the world, we welcome the washing away of pollen and dust, even as mold counts rise from the moisture.

I started to write a post today about feeling discombobulated before 5am, due to my library being taken over today by kindergarten registration, picking up our son from the airport at midnight tonight, early release and Battle of the Bluebonnets and training a new broadcast team this week-before-spring-break.

But then I decided to breathe.  Standing on the stoop in my red pajamas, I took in five deep breaths of that cool, moist air.  I was centered for a few moments, oxygenated, clear-headed enough to come inside and write from a more peaceful place.  Choosing breath over panic.  


  1. Breathing is easier as I get older. As a young teacher, I held my breath too often. Now I better understand the power of a deep breath. Love the title of your post. It's not what I expected.

    1. I think you're right, Glenda, it does get easier as we get older and wiser. :-) I can imagine I'll take many more deep breaths today.

  2. I breathed with you wishing to hear the rain. Refreshed for the moments ahead.

    1. Glad you stopped by, MaryHelen! I probably should have done more deep breathing today...busy day, busy week ahead!
