Monday, March 30, 2015

SOLC 2015 Day 30: Shhhh, no talking in the library

My library is normally not quiet.

Most days
There is soft music playing
Laughing among the adults
Booktalking with the students
Teaching inference and empathy
How to turn a page, and turn a phrase
Read-alouds in the book nook
After we sing songs to get our wiggles out.

There will be no music, no laughing
Books lie face-down, turned around
Reminding students to be quiet, focus
No teaching, just verbatim instructing
How to turn a page and mark a dot.

My library is normally not quiet.


  1. My uncle who taught for years says that everyone has to take a test once in a while. I remind him that the days when he was teaching, you did take tests only once in a while now we wonder when we will fit in teaching around the testing. I love the way you used poetry here and how you didn't explicitly tell us too much. I also love how often my posting is right next to yours. Kindred spirits. :)

    1. Early morning writers, that's what we are! And truthfully, I was ambiguous on purpose...don't want to get into trouble....ugh.

  2. This is a very powerful piece of writing. I went to Teachers College for their Reunion Day and this was the focus of Kylene Beers as she closed the day. Your library seems amazing on a normal day, push through the testing, and get back to the real teaching.

    1. Thank you, Jill. It will be a hectic two days as we handle rescheduled classes, for sure--but there will be music and laughter again! And we have a short week; whew!

  3. oh, how I feel your pain. the library just feels...weird....on testing days.

    1. Thank you for "getting it", Sonja! It did feel weird! We got back to operating conditions quickly yesterday afternoon, doors open at 715a as usual today. Whew!
