Wednesday, January 20, 2021

It's Wednesday! What's happening in the AME Library?

We are all about read-alouds with social-emotional learning and checking out books to exercise our reading muscles this week--as well as a lesson on choosing good-fit books.

PreK is peeking in on a young boy's efforts to repair his friend's house.  With the neighborhood's help, it gets done in The One Day House by Julia Durango, illustrated by Bianca Diaz.  We're making connections with lessons on caring for and helping our friends.

Kindergarten classes are also discussing caring for our friends (and the double meaning of "goose egg") with The Goose Egg by Liz Wong.
Henrietta the elephant was perfectly happy in her quiet home, until she accidentally hatched an egg that thinks she's the mama!  She comes up with a clever use for her trunk as she raises the gosling--a good example of creative thinking.

First grade classes are just having checkout this week, to make sure they have plenty at hand to read.

Second grade classes are getting a bonus lesson on how to pick good fit books using interests and comprehension checks as guides.  

Third through fifth grades are in a checkout week as well, so we're reviewing how to put books on hold and request book bundles for those who are remote learning or using classroom delivery.  Our curbside service is continuing through the semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and is also being utilized by teachers for learning material pickups.  A big shout-out to our ITS, Ms Foster, for adding the link to our school website banner to make it even easier to learn how to get books at home!  (Cute graphic too, Ms Foster!)
Keep on exercising those reading muscles with great-fit books, Dillo Readers!

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