Wednesday, January 13, 2021

It's Wednesday! What's happening in the AME Library?

 We are back to our regular schedule in the library this week!  Which means read-alouds and lessons and books to check out, oh my!

PreK will be studying animal needs, so we're complementing their learning with Mama Dug a Little Den by Jennifer Ward, illustrated by Steve Jenkins.  Lots of animal mothers (and fathers) dig dens, but for different reasons--as nurseries, to stay warm or cold, to hide from potential prey, or just homes to live in.  This book is one of those that can be enjoyed by different grades, as there is expanded information on each page for advanced readers.

It's a social-emotional learning (SEL) kind of week for our K-2 classes.  SEL is now a regular component of our school day here is RRISD, and I'm happy to support the curriculum with books from our collection.  The two this week just happen to be Armadillo Readers' Choice books as well!

Kindergarten and first grade classes are listening to Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller, illustrated by Jen Hill.  Acts of kindness don't have to be big, we're learning; even something as simple as paying attention or sitting with a sad friend are ways to show that we care.

Second grade classes are laughing about The Very Impatient Caterpillar by Ross Burach.  Caterpillar is having a hard time waiting to become a butterfly, but eventually learns some coping strategies to be more patient.  Hint:  there's a lot of self-talk involved!

Third through fifth grades are having their mid-year library skills review.  We are covering a lot--how to read a spine label/ call number to find a book in the library (because most libraries use the same system, even the public ones!), finding good fit books, and using the catalog to place holds, create reading lists, and check accounts.  Using Pear Deck makes it an interactive lesson instead of a "sit and get".

Our 20-21 Bluebonnet Reading Program will be wrapping up this month!  Students have until January 26th to read at least five of the twenty Bluebonnet Award nominees.  They must submit their log entries online via the library website to be invited to vote for their favorite during the last week of January.

For our at-home learners--remember that you can get library books via our Grab & Go Curbside Book Delivery Service on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Keep building those reading muscles!

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