Monday, May 22, 2023

It's Monday! What are you reading?

 The only reading I've been able to stick with these past few weeks has been my morning sessions with Gilbert's Big Magic.
I give myself ten to fifteen minutes to read in the morning.  The layout of Big Magic is perfect for this amount of time, with mini-chapters of two to four pages that are easily digested as I drink my morning coffee and wake up my brain.

I'm about halfway through the book, and the content is broadening from a focus on creativity to an outlook on "creative living".  The passage I read this morning was particularly relevant to all professions, with its message on living with the downsides of a profession if you really love the pursuit of it.  That is so true of the calling to be an educator; we all have parts of the job we aren't particularly fond of, but we have our reasons to keep at it.  My passion is literacy for life, and the library is a great place to practice and promote that passion.

It's Monday, and I'm plodding along with my daily morning reading.  Do you have a dedicated time to read each day?  If not, is there a time you can carve out to read on a regular basis?

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