Monday, August 16, 2021

It's Monday! What are you reading?

I finished The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune, and it was absolutely lovely.  I was laughing out loud and sighing with happiness as I read the last fifty pages or so.  YA readers on up, grab yourself a copy and prepare to be soothed and satisfied at the end. 

I have a stack of to-be-read books at the ready, and remembered this summer purchase:
I just started reading Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia last night, so I'm only a few pages in.  It begins like a Cinderella story, though the main character/ narrator is aware her life is similar to the fairy tale and dismisses the comparison.  I'm intrigued by the author's voice in this story, and by the casual acceptance that Mayan gods can walk among us mere mortals.  This will be an interesting bedtime read.

My kidlit choice of the week is to finish Scary Stories for Young Foxes, one of the Bluebonnet Nominee books that I started reading to myself during summer school:
We are hearing the scary stories involving the kits on the cover as they are being told to another group of young foxes.  Every now and then, we are jerked away from the stories to the storyteller talking with the group, reminding us of the actual setting.  This writing theme of parallel stories/ story within a story would be fun to explore with fourth and fifth graders.

I'm still making my way through Boogren's 180 Days of Self Care for Busy Educators and Shetty's Think Like a Monk for my morning reading.  I hope to pick up a professional book from my stack to start reading in the afternoon.

It's Monday, and I'm back to juggling several different books at different times of the day!  Do you read the same way? 

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