Wednesday, February 24, 2021

It's Wednesday! What's happening in the AME Library?

Can you believe we've been off-campus for eight days because of a "snowpocalypse"?  It was great to see our on-campus teachers and students in the hallways again today!  Ms Margocs asked teachers to choose whether or not they'd like library time this week, knowing that some will want to take the time to reconnect with students, making sure their basic needs are being met and connecting them with resources to meet their needs.  We will catch up with classes who need to do so next week.  For those who have library this week, here's what it looks like:

PreK will continue exploring feelings with the fun-but-meaningful book How Are You Peeling? by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers.  We'll talk about all the feelings we had during our snowy and icy weather!

Kindergarteners (and a third and fifth grade class!) will be laughing as we read Underwear! by Jenn Harney.  Lots of rhyming and homophones in this story!

First grade will focus on worrying and what we can do about it through Ruby Finds a Worry by Tom Percival.

Second graders will be deciding when it's okay to try and be first, and when it's better to just relax and "go with the flow" with Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Straw.

Third grade is working on using effective keywords for online searches.  It helps to really know what you're looking for, and what sites you can trust for valid information.

Fourth and fifth grades are loading the EasyBib add-on to their Google accounts for citation purposes, talking about plagiarism and copyright as we do so. 

We are extending our Kindness Week offerings as students have belated Valentine's Day celebrations!  Here's a sampling of the books we have that focus on kindness:

Curbside Grab & Go Book Delivery Service will be back up and running tomorrow evening!  If you receive an email that your books are ready, please drive by the portable side of the school to pick them up.  We'll be out there from 5p to 630p.

Welcome back to our library, Dillo Readers!

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