Monday, October 29, 2018

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Last night, I began reading a book that I picked up from the review table at our last librarians' meeting.
I may have mentioned that I'm drawn to titles with the word "library" in naturally, I chose The Extraordinary Journeys of Clockwork Charlie: The Library Machine by Dave Butler.  

I read the dust jacket summary, and realized that this was a continuation of a series.  I haven't read the previous books, but decided to give this a try; some series don't have to be read in order to understand the story.  This one does, I think.  I was quickly greeted with terms I didn't understand, and an archenemy with a backstory that I need to know to appreciate the plot.

This much I did figure out:  The Extraordinary Journeys of Clockwork Charlie is an adventurous steampunk series involving a mechanical boy and a group of his friends who are fighting the evil Iron Cog.  There are machines and mythological creatures coexisting in Butler's reinvention of our own world, which includes settings in real countries--this story opens in Germany.

I'm going to abandon this book for now, and seek out the first two books in this trilogy.  I think I'll enjoy the story much more by doing so!

It's Monday!  What books have you started and put down?  What series have you been reading lately?

1 comment:

  1. That has happened to me with some of the spy/action books I have read. Was it necessary that I had read the previous book to understand the current book? Maybe not, but it sure would have helped me understand the characters if I had. I hope that makes sense, it is 5AM and no coffee yet!!! Love Ya, Dad.
