Wednesday, September 4, 2019

It's Wednesday! What's happening in the Sommer Library?

We've got back-to-school books on display!

We're also featuring series books each month.  Here are some of our September offerings:

In the Book Nook, kindergarteners are talking about making kind choices (Ethics) while listening to We Don't Eat Our Classmates, one of our Armadillo Readers' Choice books.
First and second graders are listening to All Are Welcome, discussing what "welcome" means to them.  Ms Margocs is reminding them that when we feel welcome and safe, we learn better, too!

It's the second week of our lesson cycle, so the other half of third grade is working on genre identification and learning about our Bluebonnet reading program.  Fourth and fifth graders are exploring our databases in preparation for upcoming research projects in class.

Playaway forms will be going home soon for our third through fifth graders.  Playaways are portable audiobooks, and can cost up to four times as much as a regular library book; parents need to be aware of the cost for replacement before students check out Playaways.

Home access passwords for our online database resources will also be going home soon.  Please look for the sheet in your child's take-home folder.

Stay tuned next week for news about some special visitors coming to our library soon!

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