Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Monday! What are you reading?

In case you don't travel in elementary school circles--last Wednesday was Dr. Seuss' birthday.  We had just wrapped up our spring book fair (and I mean just; my volunteers and I took it down Tuesday afternoon, and the driver picked it up Wednesday morning). I am always slightly discombobulated after running the book fair for four-plus days.  Purchasing and recommending books is more my forte than selling them.  If I ever do get to own a bookstore, I'm hiring a manager for that part, tout de suite.

But I digress...back to Dr. Seuss' birthday.  We read his Happy Birthday to You! in the Book Nook the rest of the week.  I love twisting my tongue around Seuss' nonsense syllables, and to be honest, I had not read this particular book before this past week. It did not disappoint; by the end, it had me wishing I had a Birthday Bird from Katroo orchestrating my own birthday celebration--though I can do without the cake baked with Grade A "sausage-paste butter".

Wednesday was also an early release day, with staff development in the afternoon.  I had so much fun wearing my Cat in the Hat hat topper, that I kept it on straight through the training.  No one seemed to mind.  We all need a bit of silliness to get through the day.

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