Friday, April 3, 2015

Thanks for the memories

Late, as usual, in getting Easter cards out, so I'm sitting at my computer sending Hallmark e-cards to family.

As I'm typing out personal greetings, "memory-making" keeps repeating itself.  

That's really what life should be all about, right?  Creating good memories for those around us.  If we "begin with the end in mind" a la Stephen Covey, that's what we want to leave behind--no regrets, no second-guesses, just happy, positive memories.

This applies both personally and professionally.  It seems obvious that we want our family and friends to think of us fondly, to associate us with happy times of support and celebration and community.

The principle is the same for schools.  Children learn best in welcoming, safe environments.  When learning is associated with punishment and drudgery, we are not creating positive lifelong habits--we are enabling avoidance strategies, because that's what we learn in negative situations.  As for our professional colleagues, I want folks to smile when they see me in the hallways and behind the circulation desk, not run in the other direction.

So here's to making happy memories this holiday weekend, and for the weeks and years to come.  Happy Easter!

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