Wednesday, April 8, 2020

It's Wednesday! What's happening in the Sommer Library?

How is your first week of remote learning going, Stallion readers?

I can tell that several of you have looked at the K-1 library slides, and even more have opened the 2nd through 5th grade slides--thank you!  We've received over 60 responses on our end-of-year library survey; if you haven't responded yet, please do so.   I have sent the link to your teachers to share with you.

Today I want to remind you about all the wonderful databases we have, for you to explore for your own learning and use for assignments.  If you remember your third grade lesson about url domains, keyword search, and reliable sources (we packed a LOT into that lesson!), then you'll remember that Googling something isn't always going to give you the best or most reliable information--or results that are kid-appropriate (yikes!).  Our databases give us reliable, researched information that is safe and ad-free for our students.
You will need your passwords to access these resources--you can get to those through the orange padlock in the middle near the top of the page, after you log in with your student Gmail account.

This week's slide lessons:
Kindergarten and first grade classes are listening to a Tumblebook that just happens to be about spreading the flu--remember to wash your hands!  Don't forget to check out the activities and resources on the next two slides, too!

Second through fifth grades are accessing our ebooks and  filling out our end-of-year library survey, then exploring our resources and joining our new Sommer Library Google Classroom.

There will be a new set of library slides linked on your teacher's slide deck next week!  Until then, keep reading, Sommer Stallions!

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