Monday, November 26, 2018

It's Monday! What are you reading?

Happy Monday!

We are just coming back from our week-long break for Thanksgiving.  I took a break from kidlit, too, and decided to pull a book from my to-read list.

Several chapters into 10% Happier by Dan Harris and he's yet to name his secret to happiness...but we're getting there.  I really don't mind the journey, though, as Dan's story is an interesting insider's look at the world of TV news and the toll it can take on a reporter's psyche.  The conversational tone makes for easy reading; I feel like I'm getting an honest account of his self-examination and skepticism, as if he's doing an uncensored on-air report.  My own life is nowhere near as worldly as Harris' resume, and in some ways, I'm glad--I can pass on flying into warzones, and don't feel the need for adrenaline rushes via illicit drug use.

Harris' sources for healing are familiar to me:  Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, tenets from major religions.  I know that he ultimately settles on meditation as a solution, so these encounters make sense. I'm willing to travel this path with him and I'm looking forward to reading the insights he gleams from these teachers, in hopes of expanding my own experience with meditation.

It's Monday!  What are you reading lately?  What's next on your to-read pile?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the meditation. In 74 years I haven't mastered it yet!!! I'm still reading the "Day of Reckoning (Shadow Warriors Book #3). I hope the end is near. Interesting story, too wordy, more than I need to know about the people in the story. I like to read about the" Church here and now" not 400 hundred years ago..... Love ya, Dad.
