Monday, February 14, 2022

It's Monday! What are you reading?

After successfully finishing two books last week, I was back to my scanning ways.  I brought books to read on a trip to the Hill Country, and ended up reading one that was already in the tiny cabin:

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance had been on my to-read list for decades.  I didn't have enough time or focus to finish it on my trip, but I did read the first third or so, the last chapter and the author's notes at the beginning and end.  I will have to revisit it in the future, because it certainly led me down some paths of thought I wasn't quite ready for yet; the practice of philosophical wondering went by the wayside with adult responsibilities and parenting, I think.

I didn't pick up any kidlit books this week; the other book I dipped back into was Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner, which already has me thinking of my relationship with my own deceased mother.  I will try and make it my regular nighttime reading this coming week...if I can handle the grieving process alongside the author's.  

I also started The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, which already has me cringing at the details of the author's childhood; that one may go back into the read-later pile.  I'm not sure I can handle daily doses of family dysfunction along with the grief that permeates H Mart

It's Monday, and I was drawn to three memoirs (Zen is memoir-ish) that provoked deep thought and tugged at my heartstrings this past week.  What books have provided deep connections for you?


  1. Good Morning Chris. I'm half way through a book called "Deep Sleep". Interesting, even scary. It is about Russian agents (Couples) placed all over the country leading normal lives unless called upon. Thanks to you and Kindle I have read 142 books!!! Have a great day. Love Ya, Dad.
