So it seems my love of reading, and desire to support others' reading habits and need for information, has led to my pursuit of a master's degree in Library Science. Exposure to librarians' blogs through class requirements and classmates' attempts at blogging are gentle hints to join them in the twenty-first century. I am a digital immigrant, so please spare harsh criticism!
I am an avid reader. I read e-mails, tweets, school memos, syllabi, teachers' manuals, student records, blogs, magazines, catalogs, Facebook updates, textbooks, and journal articles. However, in the interest of full disclosure on the topic, I have not indulged in reading books as often as I would like, due to time constraints and an unusual need for at least six hours of sleep each night. That will have to change, of course, with my enrollment in Dr. Lesesne's Young Adult Literature course at SHSU this semester, and I'm proud to say I've actually completed reading a whopping two books from the required thirty-five for the semester. It will be quite a feat to bring my fluency up to speed to complete the list before December, especially since (again in the interest of disclosure) YA lit is not always my first choice of material. I'm counting on this semester to change my mind (insert smiley here)!
I'm uncertain of where this blog is headed, but be assured that I plan on "keeping it clean" and focusing on the topic, in the hopes that one day, in the very near future, I will be adding a link to this very blog from my own school library webpage. And a Twitter feed, and a scrolling update on popular books, and annotated bibliographies....