Saturday, June 20, 2015

Moving feet, streaming mind

I lace on my shoes, willing my creaking body out the door.  At the end of my street, I have a choice--short, or long?

I have time.  I choose long.

Taking a left, then a right, I walk on a sidewalk I haven't set foot on in weeks (months?  a year?).  How little I've paid attention to my own neighborhood, my home, these past two years of working across the highway.  Must rectify that in the coming school year, strike more of a balance, be more aware.

Scoop up a piece of trash left in the street.  Cross another to get to the trash can, realize I'm now on a long stretch, no shortcuts unless I turn back.  Push on, uphill, anyway.

Surrounded by trees and birdsong and breeze blowing through a gloomy, gray sky, my thoughts still return to work.  Was I a better librarian than the year before?  Will I be able to handle the challenges next year brings?  I've got to remember to send that email to ITS about downloading apps for next week's conference.  Need to see if my Bluetooth keyboard syncs up with the iPad...should I even bother?

Hit the top of the hill, turn right.  Could turn right again and make for a longer walk...nah.  Feeling the strain in my thighs as I walk downhill, hope it's helping this wonky knee of mine.  Wonder if I should call the doctor about it.  Exercising like this seems to be working, hope the new supplements will, too.  Will wait to make the call.

Try to quiet my mind and listen to my steps, the birds twittering and chirping.  No such luck, start thinking about what I need to read and do this weekend, ponder the funeral I'm attending in a few hours, what friends I will see there, what memories we'll share.  

Phone tells me I've reached two miles.  Almost home; sky starts to sprinkle, its modus operandi for the last two days in these parts.  Pass the homes of acquaintances and friends, wonder what they're up to these days.  Their yards look nice.

My driveway, then my door.  Stop, pause the walking app, save the workout.  Need to do this again soon...maybe tomorrow?

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